



自动驾驶系统软件工程师Autonomous Driving System Engineer

1万 - 2万 上海 | 工作经验不限 | 本科及以上 | 全职


发布时间:2020-10-11 发布者:heatherl@nvidia.com 投递简历




  • 开发并维护自驾车系统软件
  • 融合车载传感器(Camera,LIDAR,RADAR,GPS,IMU,CAN etc)信息以实现车辆在复杂环境下的自动,安全,舒适驾驶
  • 与其他众多团队合作,实现并优化自动驾驶平台相关的性能,稳定性和安全性
  • 您将能接触到最前沿的自动驾驶研究课题,如智能决策,深度学习,轨迹规划跟踪等
  • 计算机,电子工程,自动化或相关专业本科及以上学历(高级职位需Phd或6年以上工作经验)
  • 丰富的面向对象编程经验,精通C/C++, 熟悉Python
  • 用户态开发经验并能进行一定程度的内核态和底层硬件调试
  • 熟练掌握大规模并行计算的基本原理以开发高效可扩展的并发应用程序
  • 扎实的系统软件经验,熟悉实时操作系统的事件调度处理机制
  • 对CPU/GPU体系结构和内存管理有深入理解并能针对硬件平台进行性能优化
  • 了解物体检测,目标跟踪,数据关联等功能的常用算法
  • 有良好的分析,沟通,组织和团队协作能力以共同解决实际问题

Autonomous Driving System Engineer
Location: Shanghai
NVIDIA is hiring System Engineers for its Autonomous Vehicle teams. As a member of our team you will be responsible for developing and maintaining software to drive the car, given various sensor input devices including Camera’s, LIDAR, RADAR, GPS, IMU and others on Vehicle CAN, work with different teams here to transform the information into driving the car with the best experience. You will work with different teams on all sort of challenging problems for autonomous driving including computer vision, deep learning, object tracking, car controlling. You will help build the software and make it work flawlessly and safely on our driving platform. You are expected to have strong communication, organizational, and analytical skills. Solid understanding and strong System software experience is a requirement. Experience with GPU technology, image processing, computer vision, and multimedia are highly valued. Familiarity with deep learning / artificial intelligence is desirable.
What you’ll be doing:
·         Craft the driving application for Autonomous Vehicle products
·         Solve the real challenging problems in the software with different teams and to drive the car with the best experience
·         Performance optimization on our driving platforms
What we need to see:
·         You have a BS/MS in EE/CS or closely related field (or additional equivalent experience), and 5+ years of relevant work and lab experience.  
·         You possess a good understanding of programming languages in C, C++ and Python.
·         You are familiar with source control tools (git, Perforce, etc.)
·         You are experienced in developing system software mostly in user space but also feel no big deal in digging deep into kernel space and even low-level hardware
·         You know much system programming, threading, mutex, synchronization, communication, and parallel computing to build highly scalable and efficient applications
·         You are familiar with underlying hardware architecture for CPU/GPU and memory, and understand performance from bottom up
·         Prior experience working in the following areas: Kernel development, Autonomous Vehicles, Robotics, Self-Driving-Cars, GPU technology, Computer Vision, Deep Learning
·         You should display outstanding communication and collaboration skills, as we work as a tightly-knit team, always discussing and learning from each other and driving things forward and making solid progress
Ways to stand out from the crowd:
·         Deep understanding of system architecture, CPU/GPU/Memory/Storage, everything related to performance optimization
·         Solid working experience in kernel developing, Linux/QNX, and all too familiar with OS scheduling, event handling, real-time requirements.
·         Experience with Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning or other Artificial Intelligence paradigms
·         Experience in Automotive Vehicle or Robotic System Building
·         We believe that realizing self-driving cars will be a defining contribution of our generation (e.g. traffic accidents are responsible for ~1.25 million deaths per year world-wide). We have the funding and scale, but we need your help on our team.
